Have a Feature Request?
Share your brilliant ideas with the ReptiWare community by submitting them to our Idea Board. Engage with fellow users who have the power to turn your ideas into reality through voting and collaboration. Let your voice be heard and join us in shaping the future of ReptiWare together.
- 5Ability to add a clutch or litter to the Reptiles moduleIt would be cool if we could bulk add a clutch or litter in the reptiles module and also be able to add the clutch or litter resulted from the breeding projects module directly into the reptiles modul... Read more...
- 3Gene Index and CalculatorIt would be really helpful to have the gene index and calculator that Morph Market runs. I'd rather put in every morph individually than the combo name. Then when clutches hatch we could pick the comb... Read more...
- 3Follicle DevelopmentIt would be great to have a follicle size tracker for the females.
- 2Printable Report - Weight / lengthI would prefer two separate reports, one for weight and the other for length as it’s often easier to weigh the animal than to measure it. The report could be basic, just listing the date and weight r... Read more...
- 2Graphical ReportsIn addition to a normal text report for weight, having the information displayed graphically for a single or a range of records would be handy
- 2Click and Drag Records to reorderSometimes records end up in the system out of order and the ability to drag a record to fit a certain order would be great
- 2Cloud Sync for multiple installationsUsing cloud services like Google Drive, dropbox, iCloud, or selfhosted storage to house the Reptiware.Repti file so the software across multiple installs can have the most up to date records.
- 2Auto Populate HatchlingsIt would be nice to set a serial number range for the system to auto populate our hatchlings when a clutch hatches. We add 10 eggs into the projects cycle, then when enter the hatch date it would add ... Read more...
- 1Mac OSI'd really like a Mac version since I use a MacBook in my snake room. Thanks!
- 1AppNeed and App for Android/ios that links the reptiware software so you can do simple update on a table and/or phone This would make wanting to use this software more if that was possiable specially i... Read more...
- 1OneLook Feeding FilterOn the OneLook page under the reptile dropdown, it would be really helpful to be able to filter by "Needs Food" instead of just sex!
- 1App and/or scanning featurereally need to be able to track on the go
- 1QR codes/ AppAny chance you are coming up with some type of label that can be printed out and allow us to use an app to scan it to add an event? I was looking forward to something like that. Also, any way you w... Read more...
- 1Cell linkA way to link phone to account when away from home.
- 1Genetics Field additionThere is a field for Morph but that only allows for a label entry such as Amel or Snow etc. and a field for het genes where I can enter all hets but no field for homo genes. For example, I can enter S... Read more...
- 1Addition to Morphs List Check Box OptionsCurrently, in the Morphs List there are check boxes for Co-Dominant, Dominant, and Recessive. However, there is no check box for Incomplete Dominant. This would be very helpful for morphs such as Palm... Read more...
- 1Storage Selection List changeCurrently, the storage selection list sorts in a strange way I can not determine. Ideally it would list/sort the storage "bins" organized by the "Parent" stack or rack and then by the "Child" cage/tub... Read more...
- 1Report CustomizationThe ability to select which fields appear in a report would be fantastic! For example, the Reptiles Mini List, being able to list all of my snakes with ID, Nickname, Morph, and Bin location would be g... Read more...
- 1Transfer function in feeder tabI try to use the feeder tab to keep track of live ASF inventory and it is a major pain having to manually remove stock from one size and re-add it to the larger sizes. Having the ability would make i... Read more...
- 1Rejected feeders return to inventoryI feed live and sometimes a reptile rejects the meal. It would be great to have a prompt appear, when the rejected option is selected in the feeder tab, to ask if the feeder should be returned to stoc... Read more...
- 1Feeder Frequency CustomizationRegarding the Feeding Defaults screen, we have a way to specify default feed type, frequency etc but would it be possible to add a frequency offset for refusals and when an animal regurges? In my case... Read more...
- 1Bulk Feed Report - Food type countsHow about adding a total for each food type to the bottom of the bulk feeding report? It would make it easier/faster to pull food items if we didn't have to count each one on the report to get totals.
- 1ReceiptsI really need an easy way to print professional looking sales receipts that include a picture of the animal and a picture of the parents would also be a great option too!
- 1Mac VersionMy windows PC is on it's last leg so I really need a Mac version. I will no longer use any windows based PC's so I will have to cancel my subscription if we don't get a Mac version soon...
- 1Reptile GroupingAdd the ability to assign reptiles to user-defined groups. I would like this to be able to filter down to specific clutches or certain groups of reptiles. This would be great for those with large amou... Read more...
- 1Date Range SelectIt would be nice if you could specify a date range while pulling reports. would make for easy income and expense tracking for tax purposes.
- 1IOS AppI like using this software on my pc but to have access of my data on my tablets as well would be a nice touch.